Unlock Your Potential

Discover the world of coding and game development at Social Pixl.

Unlock Your Creative Potential with Structured Learning at Social Pixl

At Social Pixl, we offer a structured learning environment where members can explore a wide range of topics, including website and app development, as well as video game creation. Our expert instructors guide you through hands-on projects and provide valuable insights to help you bring your ideas to life.


Unlock Your Potential with Social Pixl

Beginner's Journey

Start your learning journey with beginner-friendly courses and hands-on projects.

Advanced Skills

Take your skills to the next level with advanced courses and real-world challenges.

Expert Mentors

Receive guidance and support from industry experts throughout your learning journey.

Showcase Projects

Present your projects to our council for potential funding and partnership opportunities.


Explore Our Course Selection

Choose from a variety of courses to enhance your skills.

5 min read

Introduction to Coding Basics

Learn the fundamentals of coding and start building your own projects.
5 min read

Graphic Design Essentials

Master the art of graphic design and create stunning visual content.
5 min read

Digital Marketing Strategies

Learn effective digital marketing techniques to grow your business.
5 min read

Mastering Photography Basics

Discover the art of photography and capture breathtaking images.

Unlock Your Potential with Social Pixl's Learning Features

At Social Pixl, we offer a range of additional learning features to help you grow your skills. From mentorship programs to peer coding sessions and hackathons, we provide the support and resources you need to excel in your coding journey.

Mentorship Programs

Get guidance from experienced mentors in the industry.

Peer Coding Sessions

Collaborate and learn from fellow coding enthusiasts.

Hackathons for Innovation

Join our hackathons to showcase your skills and creativity.