Optimize with Confidence

Unlock the full potential of your website with our A/B testing services.


Improve Your E-commerce Site Performance and Sales

A/B testing is a method used to compare two versions of a webpage or app to determine which one performs better. Pix-Fi implements A/B testing to analyze and optimize your e-commerce site, improving its performance and driving more sales.

Test different variations of your website design

Compare performance metrics to identify improvements

Optimize your site based on data-driven insights

Unlock the Potential of Your E-commerce Store with Pix-Fi's A/B Testing

At Pix-Fi, we employ a rigorous A/B testing methodology to optimize your e-commerce site. Our tests are designed to analyze various metrics, including page performance, design, and conversion rates. By comparing different versions of your site, we can identify the most effective elements and make data-driven decisions to improve your online store.

Data-driven testing for enhanced performance

Optimize design for better user experience

Increase conversions with targeted experiments

Increase your conversion rates and revenue with our successful A/B tests.

Discover how our A/B testing service has helped businesses like yours achieve higher conversion rates and generate more revenue. Read our case studies to learn more.


Get Started with A/B Testing for Better Results

Discover how Pix-Fi can help you improve your e-commerce performance through A/B testing. From initial setup to execution and analysis, we guide you every step of the way.

Setup Your A/B Test Campaign

Create multiple versions of your website or ads to test against each other.

Execute and Monitor Your Tests

Run your A/B tests and track the performance of each variant in real-time.

Analyze and Optimize Your Results

Analyze the data collected and make data-driven decisions to optimize your website or ads.


Unlock the Power of A/B Testing

Increase conversion rates and improve user experience with Pix-Fi's data-driven A/B testing. Make informed decisions to optimize your e-commerce site and boost sales.


Pricing Plans

Choose the best plan for your A/B testing needs.

Basic Plan
A/B Testing
Conversion Tracking
Performance Analysis
Get Started
Business Plan
Advanced A/B Testing
Enhanced Conversion Tracking
Comprehensive Performance Analysis
Priority Support
Get Started
Enterprise Plan
Customized A/B Testing Solutions
Advanced Conversion Tracking
In-depth Performance Analysis
Dedicated Account Manager
24/7 Priority Support
Get Started
Basic Plan
Save 20%
A/B Testing
Conversion Tracking
Performance Analysis
Get Started
Business Plan
Save 20%
Advanced A/B Testing
Enhanced Conversion Tracking
Comprehensive Performance Analysis
Priority Support
Get Started
Enterprise Plan
Save 20%
Customized A/B Testing Solutions
Advanced Conversion Tracking
In-depth Performance Analysis
Dedicated Account Manager
24/7 Priority Support
Get Started

Optimize your website for success

Increase conversions and improve user experience with our A/B testing services

Pix-Fi's A/B testing services have been a game-changer for our e-commerce business. We've seen a significant increase in conversions and sales since implementing their strategies.

John Doe

Marketing Manager, ABC Company

Working with Pix-Fi has been a fantastic experience. Their A/B testing solutions have helped us optimize our website and improve user engagement.

Jane Smith

CEO, XYZ Corporation


Find answers to common questions about our A/B testing services.

How does A/B testing work?

A/B testing involves comparing two versions of a webpage or element to determine which one performs better. It helps identify the most effective design or content changes that can lead to improved conversion rates.

Why is A/B testing important?

A/B testing is important because it allows businesses to make data-driven decisions and optimize their websites or marketing campaigns. It helps identify what works best for their target audience and can lead to increased conversions and revenue.

How long does A/B testing take?

The duration of A/B testing can vary depending on the complexity of the test and the amount of traffic your website receives. It can range from a few days to several weeks. Our team will work closely with you to determine the optimal testing period.

What outcomes can I expect?

The outcomes of A/B testing can vary depending on the specific goals of your test. However, some common outcomes include improved conversion rates, increased engagement, higher click-through rates, and better overall user experience.

Still have questions?

If you still have questions about our A/B testing services, feel free to reach out to our team. We're here to help!

Contact Us

Get in touch with our team for further assistance.


Contact Pix-Fi

Have questions? Get in touch with Pix-Fi today.

Send us an email
Give us a call
+1 (555) 123-4567
123 Main St, Sydney NSW 2000 AU